Links and Resources

American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) is the largest organization for the promotion of the Alexander Technique in the U.S. is associated with 17  societies from around the world.  This site has more information, articles and a directory of teachers.

Alexander Technique International (ATI) promotes understanding of F. M. Alexander’s work and the diversity of teaching practices in the world.

Alexander Technique Bookstore A one stop shop for books on the Alexander Technique.

Direction Journal carries articles relevant to the study and understanding of the Alexander Technique.

Mornumtime Press has published many books on the Technique.

The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique This site is the work of Robert Rickover who teaches in Lincoln, NE and Toronto, Canada. It is a rich site for general information and is a resource for teachers.

Society for Teachers of the Alexander Technique This was the first professional society for the Alexander Technique and their site has more information, articles and a directory of teachers.

Local Resources You May Want to Try:

We’ve Got Your Back This is a store that sells back care related items including desks, furniture, exercise toys, pillows, and more. Rita, the owner, is dedicated to learning about effective back care resources. Her store is a relaxing place where you can discover what works for you. Visit 114 Royce Street, Los Gatos, CA.

Sheila teaches a great Zumba class Sheila Lebedenko is an experienced Zumba teacher who really cares about the progress of her students. Her choreography is always fun.